Building Culture, Performance and Passion

How do we lead our people to perform at their best in the 21st Century? Most leadership lessons are observational, but in this keynote Tony focuses on the science behind why our people do and don’t perform at their peak and how leaders unknowingly affect this equation.

Performance Science shows us that there are four universal human factors that drive performance, behaviour and emotional conflict. When we use these Performance Triggers, the chemicals that keep us focussed and motivated increase, and activity shifts to the most effective brain regions. This helps keep people focussed, proactive and able to choose the most effective behaviours.

The audience will take away four key things that undeniably boost performance in today’s workplace and will better understand what drives behaviour and ultimately the performance of their people.

  • An understanding of what triggers high performance
  • A clear realisation of how leaders impact people’s ability to perform at their best
  • How to use the concepts of Autonomy, Belonging, Consistency and Status to influence performance
  • The high performance environment
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