Leading for High Performance

The Performance Triggers - Creating The Environment for High Performance

We rely on the science of high performance to inform us how leaders can create the environment for their people to do their best thinking, make great decisions, take ownership and control their emotions and behaviours.

Our Performance Triggers philosophy uses cutting edge science to show exactly what creates the performance state for your people. Take a look at four universal factors that drive performance and behaviour and find out how you can apply them as a leader in today's workplace.


There is a new definition of performance in the 21st Century. It no longer involves repeating the same procedures, scaling up or doing more of the same thing, more efficiently. Instead, High Performance is now about being agile, thinking on our feet and finding outstanding solutions to typical problems.

To lead for human performance in the 21st Century, we have to master these four Performance Triggers: AUTONOMY, BELONGING, CONSISTENCY and STATUS.

To lead for human performance in the 21st Century, we have to master these four Performance Triggers: AUTONOMY, BELONGING, CONSISTENCY and STATUS.


A sense of control has an enormous effect on stress  and perceived workload. Leaders need to create the right feeling of control if they want people to think and perform at their best.


When relationships don’t work, we tend to revert to survival behaviours and operate in ‘threat mode’. We do our best work when we feel like we are contributing to something bigger and that we belong to a great team.


When our regular patterns are interrupted it causes an error signal, forcing us to bypass logic and act emotionally. If we manage change and consistency effectively, our people can perform at their peak rather than responding to emotion.


Perceived status is a fundamental driver of human performance. It explains winning streaks, confidence and momentum. Status is influenced by many things above and beyond role titles and pay grades.