Building High Performance Teams
A Simple Word: Clarity
The ultimate performance state for any team is true Clarity – where everyone understands and believes in the team objectives; where everyone understands the role they play in their achievement; where everyone is unambiguously clear about what is required with regard to behaviours and outcomes; where everyone is unambiguously clear about vision and culture. True Clarity allows everyone to be more effective, but is elusive for most teams.
We think we have Clarity, but in most cases we don't. We think objectives are clear because we have performance targets and KPI's, but ask around the average team and you will find that people either don't know what they are, or aren't really that interested.
Common working approach is rarely addressed. We assume this comes as a consequence of the objectives, which we also thought were common.
How do we make them truly clear, consistent and common? By building some simple team capabilities, we are able to create greater buy-in to team objectives, which in turn increases people's commitment to their achievement and staff engagement overall. And by driving towards these with congruent leadership, we reinforce these and create greater clarity.