Focus Planner Pro Tip: Keep Track of Those Meeting Notes! You don’t have to use the Focus Planner to take advantage of this great tip. You can be [...]
Using your Focus Planner should be an evolution. I can certainly attest that over the last two years and eight Focus Planners I have changed the way [...]
Do you think the language that we use affects how we think act and feel? Well it turns out that the things we say can easily help or hinder [...]
So. You’ve been diligently using your Focus Planner and every month you’ve been populating your monthly plan. Every week you work out what needs to [...]
Taking short Recharge breaks is crucial to performance. The Focus Planner helps build them in to your day
A lot of people don’t use the Habit Tracker feature in the Weekly layout. This is a mistake. If you want to change anything… then this is a [...]
Are you finding it hard to get into the habit of using your Focus Planner? Then read on to discover some hacks that you can use to get the most out [...]
A bunch of things stop us from being at our best. The biggest thing is that our hardwiring tricks us into believing that urgent things are a [...]